Courses taught:
Graduate Courses: Basic Methods in Educational Research, Critical Theories in Education, Dissertation Seminar, Educational Research – Interpretation and Applications, Design and Analysis in Education I, Design and Analysis in Education II, Helping and Counseling Skills in Student Affairs Practice; Introduction to Educational Statistics, Issues in Adolescent Development, Measurement in Educational Research, Item Development, Multiple Regression Analysis in Behavioral Studies, Nonparametric Data Analysis in Education Research, Participatory and Community Based Research, Quantitative Analysis I, Queer Studies in Education, Research Methods for Social Justice in Education; Statistical Methods in Education
Undergraduate courses: Child and Adolescent Development, Competency Motivation, Emotional Skills in Learning, Ethics, Ethics in Society, Group Dynamics, Motivating Learners, Psychology, Research Methods, Sociology
Virginia Commonwealth University (2022-present)
Critical Methods in Educational Research for Justice and Equity: This course focuses on critical educational research in the scholar-activist model. Through engaging with critical theoretical frameworks, critical empirical research and research methods, this course prepares students to produce research and scholarship for social justice and equity in education. Spring 2023 (9 students).
Dissertation Seminar: Designed to develop and refine the skills applicable to the preparation of an acceptable draft of a dissertation prospectus. Fall 2022 (10 students); Fall 2023 (17 students).
Educational Statistics: An intermediate-level statistics class focusing primarily on techniques of inferential analysis. The purpose of this course is to facilitate students' development of the skills required to come up with a research hypothesis and analyze data to confirm or deny said hypothesis. Students will specifically consider the development of theoretically grounded hypotheses and the use of a variety of statistical techniques to enable their testing. Fall 2023 (25 students)
Quantitative Research Design: An examination of quantitative research designs and concepts commonly utilized in conducting research in applied educational settings. Fundamental principles of research are extended to cover such topics as quasi-experimental and nested designs, experimental validity and alignment of statistical procedures with designs. Spring 2023 (17 students).
Auburn University (2015-2022)
Basic Methods in Educational Research: Major modes of inquiry in contemporary educational research including experimental, casual comparative, descriptive, qualitative inquiry, and action research models.
Design and Analysis in Education I: Basic methods of inferential analysis including t-tests, between and within subjects ANOVA, mixed ANOVAs, and hierarchical designs as they are utilized in educational research.
Design and Analysis in Education II: Bivariate and multiple correlation and regression analysis, trend analysis, analysis of covariance, and logistic regression, as they are utilized in educational research.
Design and Analysis in Education III: Discriminate analysis, MANOVA, canonical correlation, path analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and hierarchical linear modeling as they are utilized in educational research.
Educational Psychology Research Apprenticeship Seminar: A structured context for students to begin applying what they have learned from their research methods and statistic courses. Students will design and conduct research that contributes to the educational psychological knowledge base.
Nonparametric Data Analysis in Education Research: Common nonparametric statistical tests appropriate for use with nominal and ordinal data in educational applications. These include rank-order correlation, sign tests, median tests, analysis of variance of ranks, and log-linear analysis.
Queer Studies in Education: An overview of queer studies and queer theory as applied to education. This seminar focuses on foundational tenets of queer studies and theory and extends to modern queer studies, queer of Color, and trans studies.
Research Methods for Social Justice: Introduces theoretical and methodological approaches to scholar-activism, research for social justice, and research for educational equity.
The University of Southern Mississippi (2012-2015)
Critical Theories in Education: Exploration of perspectives and practices in critical education. Includes theoretical issues, practical applications, and current issues.
Educational Research – Interpretation and Applications: An orientation to the information, skills, and competencies necessary to understanding research in education, along with a rudimentary introduction to conducting research.
Helping and Counseling Skills in Student Affairs Practice: Emphasizes theories and principles undergirding the practical application of various helping techniques.
Introduction to Educational Statistics: Basic concepts and computations in descriptive statistics. Introduction to sampling procedures and inferential processes in educational research.
Item Development: Theories and concepts in item development. An overview of the process and procedure for item development with an item development project.
Measurement in Educational Research: Survey of the theory of measurement including true score theory, reliability, validity, item analysis, and item-selection techniques. Summer 2013 (8 students).
Quantitative Analysis I: Probability theory and theoretical distributions in experimental and quasi-experimental design. Techniques include t-tests, simple and complex analysis of variance, analysis of covariance.
Oklahoma State University (2010-2012)
Child and Adolescent Development: The person from conception through adolescence with focus on education implications of development in cognitive, affective, social, and physical domains.
Competency Motivation (online): Development of competence through the application of research based strategies in achievement motivation. Examines intellectual ability, motives, goals, attributions, competence perceptions and values as they relate to developmental issues, demographics, contextual influences, culture, and self-regulation.
Emotional Skills in Learning: Striving for academic excellence through self-awareness and growth in areas of social and emotional development. Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, leadership skills, and self-management skills in the context of emotional intelligence theories.
Issues in Adolescent Development (online): Current issues in adolescent development in an educational context and culture, including self, family, peers, school and work relationships. Gender differences within culture, race and class examined. Current dilemmas explored using critical theory and action research.
Motivating Learners (online): Current practices in learner motivation, school age through adult. Developing positive attitudes and building community in classrooms to stimulate motivation of all learners.
Multiple Regression Analysis in Behavioral Studies: Applications of multiple regression as a general data analysis strategy for experimental and non-experimental research in behavioral sciences.
Statistical Methods in Education: Statistical methods needed by conductors and consumers of research in education and the behavioral sciences. Introduction to interpretation and application of descriptive and inferential statistics.
ITT Technical Institute (2009-2011)
Ethics: This course provides students the opportunity to explore competing ethical theories, and through analysis and critical thinking to determine their own code of ethics.
Ethics in Society: This course provides a practical framework and a personal method for ethical thinking and ethical decision-making on issues in contemporary society. Students will analyze some of the major ethical dilemmas of the modern world.
Group Dynamics: In this course, students examine elements of successful teams and small decision-making groups. Emphasis is on communication, critical thinking and group process techniques.
Psychology: This course introduces psychological theories from behavioristic, humanistic, and biological viewpoints. Primary focus is on exploring how selected principles of psychology apply to students’ personal lives and social behavior. Students apply the skills of critical thinking, observation, and information gathering and analysis as they practice social science and scientific methodology.
Research Methods: This course offers a step-by-step, systematic approach to conducting research. Emphasis is on using critical thinking, efficient research techniques, and the ITT Tech Virtual Library to produce an in-depth white paper.
Social Psychology: This course introduces theories and principles of how an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are influenced by their social interaction. This course focuses on how to apply these principles to understanding our dynamic world.
Sociology: This course introduces the theories and methods sociologists use to explain and predict the dynamics of the contemporary social world. Through this study, the students will employ a “sociological imagination” as they make observations, gain insights, and make predictions that can influence their choices about their own social interaction.
Graduate Courses: Basic Methods in Educational Research, Critical Theories in Education, Dissertation Seminar, Educational Research – Interpretation and Applications, Design and Analysis in Education I, Design and Analysis in Education II, Helping and Counseling Skills in Student Affairs Practice; Introduction to Educational Statistics, Issues in Adolescent Development, Measurement in Educational Research, Item Development, Multiple Regression Analysis in Behavioral Studies, Nonparametric Data Analysis in Education Research, Participatory and Community Based Research, Quantitative Analysis I, Queer Studies in Education, Research Methods for Social Justice in Education; Statistical Methods in Education
Undergraduate courses: Child and Adolescent Development, Competency Motivation, Emotional Skills in Learning, Ethics, Ethics in Society, Group Dynamics, Motivating Learners, Psychology, Research Methods, Sociology
Virginia Commonwealth University (2022-present)
Critical Methods in Educational Research for Justice and Equity: This course focuses on critical educational research in the scholar-activist model. Through engaging with critical theoretical frameworks, critical empirical research and research methods, this course prepares students to produce research and scholarship for social justice and equity in education. Spring 2023 (9 students).
Dissertation Seminar: Designed to develop and refine the skills applicable to the preparation of an acceptable draft of a dissertation prospectus. Fall 2022 (10 students); Fall 2023 (17 students).
Educational Statistics: An intermediate-level statistics class focusing primarily on techniques of inferential analysis. The purpose of this course is to facilitate students' development of the skills required to come up with a research hypothesis and analyze data to confirm or deny said hypothesis. Students will specifically consider the development of theoretically grounded hypotheses and the use of a variety of statistical techniques to enable their testing. Fall 2023 (25 students)
Quantitative Research Design: An examination of quantitative research designs and concepts commonly utilized in conducting research in applied educational settings. Fundamental principles of research are extended to cover such topics as quasi-experimental and nested designs, experimental validity and alignment of statistical procedures with designs. Spring 2023 (17 students).
Auburn University (2015-2022)
Basic Methods in Educational Research: Major modes of inquiry in contemporary educational research including experimental, casual comparative, descriptive, qualitative inquiry, and action research models.
Design and Analysis in Education I: Basic methods of inferential analysis including t-tests, between and within subjects ANOVA, mixed ANOVAs, and hierarchical designs as they are utilized in educational research.
Design and Analysis in Education II: Bivariate and multiple correlation and regression analysis, trend analysis, analysis of covariance, and logistic regression, as they are utilized in educational research.
Design and Analysis in Education III: Discriminate analysis, MANOVA, canonical correlation, path analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and hierarchical linear modeling as they are utilized in educational research.
Educational Psychology Research Apprenticeship Seminar: A structured context for students to begin applying what they have learned from their research methods and statistic courses. Students will design and conduct research that contributes to the educational psychological knowledge base.
Nonparametric Data Analysis in Education Research: Common nonparametric statistical tests appropriate for use with nominal and ordinal data in educational applications. These include rank-order correlation, sign tests, median tests, analysis of variance of ranks, and log-linear analysis.
Queer Studies in Education: An overview of queer studies and queer theory as applied to education. This seminar focuses on foundational tenets of queer studies and theory and extends to modern queer studies, queer of Color, and trans studies.
Research Methods for Social Justice: Introduces theoretical and methodological approaches to scholar-activism, research for social justice, and research for educational equity.
The University of Southern Mississippi (2012-2015)
Critical Theories in Education: Exploration of perspectives and practices in critical education. Includes theoretical issues, practical applications, and current issues.
Educational Research – Interpretation and Applications: An orientation to the information, skills, and competencies necessary to understanding research in education, along with a rudimentary introduction to conducting research.
Helping and Counseling Skills in Student Affairs Practice: Emphasizes theories and principles undergirding the practical application of various helping techniques.
Introduction to Educational Statistics: Basic concepts and computations in descriptive statistics. Introduction to sampling procedures and inferential processes in educational research.
Item Development: Theories and concepts in item development. An overview of the process and procedure for item development with an item development project.
Measurement in Educational Research: Survey of the theory of measurement including true score theory, reliability, validity, item analysis, and item-selection techniques. Summer 2013 (8 students).
Quantitative Analysis I: Probability theory and theoretical distributions in experimental and quasi-experimental design. Techniques include t-tests, simple and complex analysis of variance, analysis of covariance.
Oklahoma State University (2010-2012)
Child and Adolescent Development: The person from conception through adolescence with focus on education implications of development in cognitive, affective, social, and physical domains.
Competency Motivation (online): Development of competence through the application of research based strategies in achievement motivation. Examines intellectual ability, motives, goals, attributions, competence perceptions and values as they relate to developmental issues, demographics, contextual influences, culture, and self-regulation.
Emotional Skills in Learning: Striving for academic excellence through self-awareness and growth in areas of social and emotional development. Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, leadership skills, and self-management skills in the context of emotional intelligence theories.
Issues in Adolescent Development (online): Current issues in adolescent development in an educational context and culture, including self, family, peers, school and work relationships. Gender differences within culture, race and class examined. Current dilemmas explored using critical theory and action research.
Motivating Learners (online): Current practices in learner motivation, school age through adult. Developing positive attitudes and building community in classrooms to stimulate motivation of all learners.
Multiple Regression Analysis in Behavioral Studies: Applications of multiple regression as a general data analysis strategy for experimental and non-experimental research in behavioral sciences.
Statistical Methods in Education: Statistical methods needed by conductors and consumers of research in education and the behavioral sciences. Introduction to interpretation and application of descriptive and inferential statistics.
ITT Technical Institute (2009-2011)
Ethics: This course provides students the opportunity to explore competing ethical theories, and through analysis and critical thinking to determine their own code of ethics.
Ethics in Society: This course provides a practical framework and a personal method for ethical thinking and ethical decision-making on issues in contemporary society. Students will analyze some of the major ethical dilemmas of the modern world.
Group Dynamics: In this course, students examine elements of successful teams and small decision-making groups. Emphasis is on communication, critical thinking and group process techniques.
Psychology: This course introduces psychological theories from behavioristic, humanistic, and biological viewpoints. Primary focus is on exploring how selected principles of psychology apply to students’ personal lives and social behavior. Students apply the skills of critical thinking, observation, and information gathering and analysis as they practice social science and scientific methodology.
Research Methods: This course offers a step-by-step, systematic approach to conducting research. Emphasis is on using critical thinking, efficient research techniques, and the ITT Tech Virtual Library to produce an in-depth white paper.
Social Psychology: This course introduces theories and principles of how an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are influenced by their social interaction. This course focuses on how to apply these principles to understanding our dynamic world.
Sociology: This course introduces the theories and methods sociologists use to explain and predict the dynamics of the contemporary social world. Through this study, the students will employ a “sociological imagination” as they make observations, gain insights, and make predictions that can influence their choices about their own social interaction.
Summary of Course Evaluations
NOTE. All course evaluation scores have been converted to a five-point Likert-type rating, the rating system used by Virginia Commonwealth University. Formats listed as "COVID" denote courses originally intended to meet in person, but shifted in part or entirely to an emergency distance format due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related campus closure.